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Archives for Juni 2012
They Begged Me to Photograph Their Cleavage
The Blogger Who Grabbed My Ass
And the HORSE You Rode In On
Joe-Zee, Grumpy, Lightbulb & Titguy
Bras, Burgers, Poker....And a Flash of Lightning!
She Gave Me The Shirt Off Her Back
The Crib Sheet
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Blog Archive
They Begged Me to Photograph Their Cleavage
The Blogger Who Grabbed My Ass
And the HORSE You Rode In On
Joe-Zee, Grumpy, Lightbulb & Titguy
Bras, Burgers, Poker....And a Flash of Lightning!
She Gave Me The Shirt Off Her Back
The Crib Sheet
The Naked Poker Player, The Cigar Man, & The Possi...
"I Play Better When I'm Drunk" (part 2)
Unicorns & Rainbows (part 1)
"And That's How You Win With Pocket Jacks!"
Talkin' Vaginas With Kim Jong-il (part 2)
Talkin' Vaginas With Kim Jong-il (part 1)
Stepping Up At The Bike
LightNing Squats to a New Low
Thank you, Malwarebytes!
Popular Post
Pocket Kings....Again! And Again!
I’m beginning to think maybe I should change the name of this blog to “Rob’s Pocket Kings Blog.” Seems like this is the hand that is dest...
Odds & Ends--The June Trip Wrap Up
As I tweeted a few days ago, I am presently back in Vegas. I've already gotten a few great anecdotes to blog about, but not enough time...
The Smokin' Hot Waitress, The Bearded Dealer, and Me (Part 2)
(Note: This is the second of three posts. You can find part 1 here ) Oddly enough, I was back in L.A. when I heard through a friend some ...
"How Big is Your Pair, Sir?"
Damn. The title of this post was supposed to be the title of the previous post, the post about finishing 6 th at the Aria tournament earlie...
Big News: I've Joined the AllVegasPoker.com Team!!!
I am very happy to announce that I have just officially joined the AllVegasPoker team! Please see the announcement here . I will be re...
How Much Cleavage Is Appropriate?
Well, the question answers itself, doesn’t it? Is it even possible for any cleavage to be inappropriate? Or for there to me too much of...
"How Can You Not Have Pocket Jacks There?"
As I explained in this post, I played in three tournaments during my August Vegas visit. It took me three posts to cover the first two, s...
My Own Private Omaha
Think I hate Pocket Kings ? Well I do. But I found something I hate even more. Omaha. Not the city, of course, the poker game known as “...
"He Doesn't Like it When I Talk About My Vagina at the Poker Table" (The Return of Prudence, Part 2)
This is the next part of The Return of Prudence saga, first part told here . You probably want to read that post before this one if you ha...
How I Finally Learned to Play Pocket Kings
I cashed three times in tournaments on my recent Vegas trip. This was the biggest tournament I cashed in, but not quite my biggest payday. ...